Monday December 18th, 2023

12PM, Trinity, 20 mins with John

25,25 rope slams, sled pull-push… 25,20,15,10,5 kb bench row… 3x10 single arm sledge... Hydraulic pull-rotations-high,low… 25,20,15,10,5 ring row.

Wednesday December 13th, 2023

10AM, 19Dutch,~40 mins

4x30lb 100 mace rotations/ kihon/ kata

Monday December 11th, 2023

7AM, Trinity,~45 mins with John

4x15lb 100 mace rotations - ~15 mins

10s bag/ 10s kb/ 10 bench/ 10,10 crossover pull/ 5,5,5 ball slam - 3 rounds (+ hydraulics round 2 & 3) ~30 mins

2PM, 19Dutch,~31 mins with John

30…..5 55lb kb/ 20 frogs/ 10 pull ups/ 20 jump lunge/ 10 pull ups - 5 rounds finish with windmill set

Two solid workouts today. Return to form this week!!

Monday December 4th, 2023

1130AM, 19Dutch, 1hr 15 mins

1,000 mace rotations (6x100 @25lbs. 8x50 @15lbs)/ kihon/ kata

Still not feeling well so keeping it low key.

Wednesday November 29th, 2023

1130AM, 19Dutch, 55 mins

2 min jump rope/ 10's 45lb kb/ 5 single arm push up/100 mace crossovers/ kata - 2 rounds

1 min jump rope/ 5s 45lb kb/ 5 single arm push up/ 50 mace crossovers/ kata

Tuesday November 28th, 2023

830AM, 19Dutch, 25 mins with John

20 frog hops/ 10,10x kb clean and press/ 15 push pike/50 mace crossovers/ 5,4,3,2,1 wide pull ups/ 25x db rows - 2 rounds

610PM, Trinity, 10 mins

50x alt sledge

10x kb bench row/ 10x ring push/ 10x air lat pull/ 10 x ball slam - 3 rounds

Monday November 6th, 2023

730AM, 19Dutch, 30 mins

4x100 30lb mace/ kihon, meikyo, hangetsu, sanchin, tensho

Lots of breaks for hands to recover. First time ever doing 4x100 at 30lb.

215PM, Trinity, with John

10x push pike, 10x frog hops, 10x pull ups, 20x jump lunge, 2sx 55lb kb - 16-1/2 mins (5 rounds)

Wednesday November 1st, 2023

830AM, 19Dutch, 25 mins

4x75 30lb mace/ kihon, jion, hangetsu

215PM, 19Dutch, with John

5 55lb kb goblets + 10 75lb renegades + 20 kb swings +5 leg raises - 5 rounds - <15 mins

10 push pike/ 2s 55lb kb (no windmill)/ 10 pull ups - 5 rounds - 12 mins

Tuesday October 31st, 2023

715AM, Trinity, with John

4x50 15lb mace

rope-sled/ 20 sec bike/ 10,10 45lb db snatch - 5 rounds ~ 15 mins

210PM, 19Dutch, 18 mins with John

4x75 30lb mace

Monday October 30th, 2023

8AM, 19Dutch, 30 mins

1 min skip/ 100x 30lb mace X/ tekki,gojushiho-sho/ 15s 45kb/ 1 min skip/ 100x 30lb mace X/ hangetsu,sanchin,tensho

145PM, Trinity, 27 mins with John

50 tire flips/ 50 sledge/ 2x25 ring push/ 50 ring rows/ 2x25 hydraulic chop/ 2x25 bar press/ 2x25 kb incline bench

Sunday October 29th, 2023

12PM, 19Dutch, 30 mins

1 min jump rope/ 100x 30lb mace crossovers/ jion/ 10s x45lb kb/ 10x push pike, pull ups, 5x2s 55lb kb shpcsp, 3 rounds - 6:00/ 1 min jump rope/100x 30lb mace crossovers - brutal finish on the mace!!

Wednesday October 25th, 2023

10AM, 19Dutch

930AM: 10x push pike/ 5x2s 55lb kb shpcsp/ pull ups - 5 rounds - 11:23

330PM: 10x push pike/ 5x2s 55lb kb shpcsp/ pull ups - 5 rounds - 9:38

Tuesday October 24th, 2023

730AM, Trinity, ~30 mins

4x75 15lb mace

25x 45lb db snatch (1 side only)/ 20x alt sledge/ 15x 70lb kb cleans/ 10sx upper-lower hydraulic chop/ 5x70lb kb snatch - 2 rounds

1PM, 19 Dutch, 30 mins

4x 75 30lb mace + kata

Monday October 23rd, 2023

930AM, Trinity, 17 mins with Peter

50x4 15lb mace

50x ring push/ 100x ring pull/ 25 kb bench row/ 2x sled/ 40x 35lb bar rotations/ 20x ball slams

3PM, 19 Dutch, 50 mins

4x75 30lb mace/ kata - 30 mins

20 min stretch

Wednesday October 18th, 2023

730AM, Trinity, 40 mins

50x4 15lb mace

rope-sled/ 10x tire flip/ 10x sledgehammer/ 5,5x 50 lb db snatch/ 10x 45lb kb bench row/ 10x ring push/ 5,5 single arm ring row/ 5x ball slam - 5x 5 min rounds

Tuesday October 17th, 2023

1PM, Crunch Midtown East

100,100x 57lb kb clean/ stretch

Monday October 16th, 2023

730AM, Trinity, ~15 mins

3x100 15lb mace/ 5,5x 50 lb db snatch/ 10x 45lb kb incline row/ 15x ring push/ 20x ring pull - 2 rounds

7PM,19 Dutch, ~14 mins

10,10x 55lb kb cleans/ 20x 75lb db rows/ 20x pull ups/ 5,5x 55lb kb snatch…..8,16,16,4….6,12,12,3 ..4,8,8,2…2,4,4,1

Sunday October 15th, 2023

930AM, Trinity, 30 mins

kata/ 3x100 27.5lb mace (rr,rl,rx), 5 min stretch

Saturday October 14th, 2023

1PM, Trinity, 15 mins

25x 45lb kb bench row/ 10,10x 45lb db snatch/ 5,5,5 ball slam/ 50x4 15lb mace

Thursday October 12th, 2023

745AM, Trinity, 21 mins

15x 45lb kb bench row/ 20x sledge/ 10,10x 45lb db snatch/ rope-sled/ 25…5-10…8 ring row-push/ 5,5,5 ball slam/ 15,10,10x 45lb db bench row/1 min ~70 assault bike

Wednesday October 11th, 2023

1030AM, 19Dutch, 26mins

3x100 27.5lb mace (ll,lr,lx)/ karate/ stretch

Tuesday October 10th, 2023

9AM, 19Dutch, 30 mins

4x100 27.5lb mace/ kata/ stretch

Monday October 9th, 2023

11AM, 19Dutch, 25 mins

5x strict pull ups/ 5,5x 55lb kb clean&press/ 10x 75lb 2 push db rows/ 5,5x 60lb db snatch - 5 rounds

Sunday October 8th, 2023

2PM, 19Dutch, 55 mins

10 min stretch/[100x 27.5lb mace/ kata - 4 rounds]/ 15 min stretch

Wednesday October 3rd, 2023

11AM, 19Dutch, 19 mins

45lb kb [30,30 swing + 0.15 miles@9.0/25,25 high pull+ 0.15 miles@9.0/ 20,20 clean+ 0.15 miles@9.0/ 15,15 snatch+ 0.15 miles@9.0/ 10,10 press+ 0.15 miles@9.0/ 5,5 windmill+ 0.15 miles@9.0]

Tuesday October 3rd, 2023

9AM, 19Dutch, 20 mins

10x [push pike, 50lb kb goblet, pull ups, 50lb kb rev lunge, kb clean - 4 rounds, kb snatch,press,windmill change up + Hangetsu]

530PM, Trinity, 30 mins

4x50 15lb mace/ 10x incline sit ups/ 10x tyre flips/ rope pull-sled push/ 20 sec 90+ assault bike/ 10,10x 45lb db snatch/ 15x 45lb kb incline bench row/ 10x alt sledge/ 5,5,5x 10lb ball slam - 2 rounds

Wednesday September 27th, 2023

11AM, 19Dutch, 25 mins

50x 35lb mace + Kata - 4 rounds

Tuesday September 26th, 2023

1015AM, 19Dutch, 18 mins with John

10,8,6,4,2x 45lb kb swing, high pull,clean,snatch,press,windmill

Sunday September 24th, 2023

4PM, 19Dutch, 26 mins

1 min jump rope/50x 25lb mace/ 4sx 45lb kb swing,high pull,clean,snatch,press,windmill - 4 rounds

Thursday September 21st, 2023

11AM, 19Dutch, 32 mins with John

1 min jump rope/50x 35lb mace/ 10,8,6x 55lb kb swing,clean,snatch - 4 rounds - 24 mins

20x 75lb db + 10 pull ups + 10 3 med ball push ups - 2-1/2 rounds - 8 mins

Wednesday September 20th, 2023

10AM, 19Dutch, 10 mins

1 min jump rope/864x 55lb kb swing,clean,snatch - 3x 3 min rounds

Thursday September 14th, 2023

10AM, Trinity, 30 mins with John

100x 15lb mace/ 5x 10 incline sit ups/ 3 mins bagwork/ 1,1…2,2…10,10 push pike, tire flip/ 5x10 45lb kb incline bench rows

Tuesday September 12th, 2023

815AM, Trinity, 25 mins with John

100x 15lb mace/ 5x sled rope pulls/ 5x10 ring push pike/ 5 sled rope pulls/ 4x5 45lb kb clean & press

Brutal. Tired and really sore legs from yesterday.

Monday September 11th, 2023

930AM, 19Dutch, 50 mins

100x 25lb mace crossover - 2 rounds/ Kata/ 100x 15lb mace - 1 round, 35 mins

Stretch, 15 mins

230PM, 19Dutch, 50 mins with John

10x push pike/ pull up/ frog/jump lunge - 5 rounds, 0.15 run/ 5x db snatch rev lunge/ 40lb double kb combos - 35 mins

Stretch 15 mins

Sunday September 10th, 2023

1PM, 19Dutch, ~1 hour

100x 25lb mace crossovers x2 + 200x 15lb single arm + kata, 40 mins

5x 45lb db snatch + 5 rev lunge + opposite side/ 5 push pike + 45lb double kb swing pull clean snatch press

repeat with 4,3,2,1 push pike - 1 round 5 mins, 2 rounds ~ 10mins

15 min stretch

Thursday, September 7th, 2023

815AM, Trinity, with John

50,40,30,20,10 rope slams/ 50,40,30,20,10 ring rows

430PM, 19Dutch, 20 mins

4x 100 30lb mace, kata

Wednesday, September 6th, 2023

2PM, 19Dutch, with John

4x 100 25lb mace, 10/8/6/4/2 45lb kb between mace sets

Killer grip session.

Thursday, August 31st, 2023

815AM, Trinity, 30 mins with John

3 min 10s bagwork/ 5x 20 ring rows/ hydraulic rotations and cross pulls/ olympic bar rotations.

530PM, 19Dutch, 40 mins

4x 100 25lb mace, kata, 10 min stretch

Wednesday, August 30th, 2023

945AM, 19Dutch, with John

25,25x rope slam/ 25x 55lb kb swing x4 - 7 mins

10x 3 med ball balance push ups/ 10x pull ups - 5 rounds - 8 mins

54321 db snatch lunge squat left right combo - 5 mins

Tuesday, August 29th, 2023

9AM, Trinity , 18 mins with John, 3 min rounds taking turns

10s on waterbag/ rope pull sled push/ 20,10 asssault bike/ on tire:5 push,10 jump lunge,15 pull/ hydraulic 10s/ 10s sledge

Tuesday, August 15th, 2023

12PM, 19Dutch, 26 mins with John, 45lb KB, 75lb DB

20,20x KB Swing + 20x DB row + 10x Leg Raise [High Pull, Clean, Snatch)/10,10x KB Press/Windmill)

Total Reps: 200KB/100 DB/50 LR (after 6 rounds)

5PM, 19Dutch, 52 mins

3 min jump rope + 100x 25lb mace + karate - 4 rounds

Very relaxed and very focused…

Sunday, August 13th, 2023

8AM, Akiva’s, 15 mins

40lb KB, 10,10,5 - swing, high pull, clean, snatch, press, windmill

5PM, 19Dutch, 38 mins

Kihon, Kata, 500x25lb mace

Very relaxed and very focused…

Saturday, August 12th, 2023

1230PM, Trinity, 18 mins

Ring rows (2x25), sledgehammer (5x10), hydraulic push (25x4), Punching bag (6x10), 45lb db snatch

1030AM Trinity, 14 mins

25x [sledgehammer + hydraulic cross row (#25) + incline sit ups + 45lb db incline row] - 2 rounds

Monday, August 7th, 2023

1030AM Trinity, 14 mins

25x [sledgehammer + hydraulic cross row (#25) + incline sit ups + 45lb db incline row] - 2 rounds

Sunday, August 6th, 2023

2PM 19 Dutch

Stretch (10:00)/ Jump rope (1:00 on 00:30 off - 10:00)/ 2:00 leg swings (50 reps)/ 6x50 25lb mace (13:30)/ Standing karate (5:00)/ Stretch (10:00)

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

1145AM Trinity, 24 mins with John

5 pull ups/ 10 push pike/ 15 ball slam/ 20 ring rows/ 25 sledge hammer - 5 rounds

Tuesday, August 1st, 2023

5PM D2, 22 mins

5000m ski

Monday, July 31st, 2023

1145AM 19 Dutch, 20 mins

100 rope pulls, 25 pull ups, 50,50 rope slam, 25 push pike, 30 lat pull downs, 30 back rows, 30,30 olympic bar push press, 30 walking lunges, 20 tricep extensions, 25 cable rows, 25 cable press

4PM Trinity, 20 mins

4x25 15lb mace + sled rope pull-push + 20 sledgehammer - 15 mins

5x [10 push pike + 20 ring row] - 5 rounds in 5 mins

Friday, July 28th, 2023

1130AM 19 Dutch

Round 1: 50 sec sets: 6 mins - Jump rope/ deep squat- jump rope/ crawl - 1 min jump rope/ reverse lunge

Round 2: 2 min 25lb mace/ 5x 50lb kb get ups - 2 min mace/ 5 windmills - 2 min mace/ 2 min mace/5 min jump rope

Round 3: 12 mins Kata, Round 4: 10 min stretch

Thursday, July 27th, 2023

5PM Trinity

4x 25s 15lb mace + sled rope drag push + 10x push pike + 25x sledgehammer + 15x 45lb db incline bench row + 20,20x hydraulic push pull + 10x incline sit up

3x 8 min rounds - 24 mins

Tuesday, July 25th, 2023

930AM Trinity with John

Round 1: 4x25 15lb mace + sledge tire - 6:00

Round 2: 15x 40lb db bench incline rows + 20,20x 35lb olympic bar push + 10x10lb ball slams - 3 sets - 8:00

Round 3: 2x 25lb hydraulic push + 2x 25 hydraulic pull - 4:00, Round 4: 20 ring pull + 10 tire push pike - 8:30

Last set was absolutely punishing!

Monday, July 24th, 2023

1PM Trinity with John

Round 1: 3:00, 2:00, 1:00, 30 sec - bagwork (6:30)

Round 2: 4x25 15lb mace - tire sledge (6 mins)

Round 3: 5x [Sled/ Rope Series] - Crawls/ Rope Pull/ Sled Push : ~1 min per round (10 mins)

Round 4: 10 Sets Total, 10x10= 100 reps: Tire Series: (8 mins)

Push pike/ frog/ jump lunge/ inside squat/ 2 hand outside flip/ 2 hand inside flip/ 1 hand inside flip (l,r)/ 1 hand outside flip(l,r)

Saturday, July 22nd, 2023

1230PM Trinity with John, 20 mins

Round 1: Tire Series: 10x Tire flip/ 10x Push Pike/ 10x Frog/ 10x Jump Lunge

10 min time cap(each round took about 45 secs + 15 sec recovery)

Round 2: Sledge Series: 25 secs work, 5 sec recovery, alternating between heavy and light hammer

10 min time cap

Friday, July 21st, 2023

930AM Trinity with John

Round 1: Assault bike(120 sec, 90 sec, 60 sec, 30 sec) - 13:00

Round 2: 5x [20x Ring row + 10x tire push pike] - 5 rounds - 9:30

Round 2: 20x Hydraulic upward flyes + 10 tyre push pike - 2 rounds - 5:00

Thursday, July 20th, 2023

1130AM Trinity with John, 33 mins

Round 1: Assault bike(60 sec, 45 sec, 30 sec, 15 sec), Round 2: Hydraulic double push (50, 40, 30, 20, 10)

Round 3: 5x [20x Ring row + 10x tire push pike], Round 4: 5x Sled rope pull + sled push

530PM D2

5,000m ski - 22:30

Tuesday, July 18th, 2023

1PM 19Dutch, 50 mins, 45lb kb (70/60/50/40/30/20/10), 30lb mace

35,35 swing/ 30,30 high pull/25,25 clean/ 20,20 snatch/ 15,15 press/10,10 windmill/ 5,5 get up: + 4x50 mace/ kata between sets

5 min stretch

Wednesday, July 12th, 2023

10AM 19Dutch, ~45 mins with breaks!

0.25 run/ 20x 75lb db rows/ 15 push pike/ 10 leg raises/ 5x 45lb kb get ups - 10 mins - 2 rounds

5x10 pull ups - starting every 40 seconds - 3 mins

0.5 mile run - 4+ - absolutely knackered

Tuesday, July 11th, 2023

930AM Trinity with John, 20 mins

30,20,10 assault bike/ 10 ring push pike/ sled push crawl rope pull/ 20 hydraulic reverse flye/10,10 sledge tire/ 10 sit ups/ 20 ring rows - 10 mins - 2 rounds

Monday, June 5th, 2023

12PM 19Dutch with John, 22 mins

0.25 run/ 25 push pike/25 pull ups: 20/15/10/5

Sunday, June 4th, 2023

6PM 19Dutch, 40 mins

90 sec jump rope/ 50x 30lb mace/ 10,10 55lb kb clean & strict press/ kata

Wednesday, May 31st, 2023

930AM 19Dutch, 30 mins

20 pull ups + 10s x 45lb kb: 16/8…12/6….8/4…4/2

2PM Trinity, 27 mins with John

bag crawl drag, cable flyes (front/reverse), double rope slams, sledge (double/single), bar rotation throw, tire push pike flip.

Thursday, May 25th, 2023

11AM 19Dutch, 25 mins mace with John

500 reps

330PM Trinity, 29 mins with John

50 ring row + 25,25 air push + 1x sled push-pull + 25x 25lb plate rotations + 25x 35lb db uppercuts


Monday, May 22nd, 2023

4PM 19Dutch, 25 mins

5s x55lb kb (no windmill) + 10 pull ups + 15 push pike + 20x 75lb db rows + 25,25 rope pulls

3 rounds

Thursday, May 18th, 2023

830AM 19 Dutch, 45 mins with John

10,8,6,4,2x 45lb kb +10,20,30,40,50x 75lb rows at the end of each kb round

Brutal consecutive 50 rows at the end. Really had to carefully pace.

Wednesday, May 17th, 2023

845AM 19 Dutch, ~30 mins

2x(4x25 15lb mace + kihon + kata) + 30,25,20,15,10,5 45lb KB combos throughout

130PM Trinity, 15 mins with John

5,5 single arm sledge and drag + 20,20 rope circle + rope pull + sled push + 5,5row to pull up + 20 cable rotate punch

2 rounds

Tuesday, May 16th, 2023

815AM 19 Dutch, 20 mins

4x50 15lb mace + kihon + kata

11AM 19 Dutch, ~22 mins with John

4x25 15lb mace + 1x (45lb kb GU + 5s + 10x 35lb plate s2s) - 2 rounds

5x 10 pull ups

Monday, May 15th, 2023

735AM 19 Dutch, 30 mins with John

1 min jump rope/ 100x 25lb crossovers/ 2x::5x push pike, 10x pull ups, 15,15x 55lb kb cleans, 20x 75lb rows - 2 rounds

1215PM Trinity, 20 mins with John

5x tire flip/ 10,10x bar turn & press/ 20,20x rope pulse/ 30x ring rows/ 40x cable press (20,20)/ 50x sledge (25,25) - 2 rounds

Wednesday, May 10th, 2023

815AM 19 Dutch, 40 mins with John

1 min jump rope/50s x30lb mace (200)

0.15 run/ 20x push pike/ 20x pull ups/ 50x rope pull/ 10x 45lb db walking lunges - 2 rounds

Tuesday, May 9th, 2023

10AM 19 Dutch, 20 mins

0.15 run/ 50x 25lb mace crossovers/ 5s x55lb KB clean press windmill + 5,5x 75lb DB snatches - 2 rounds

Sanchin, Tensho

Monday, May 8th, 2023

1230PM 19 Dutch, 20 mins

5s x55lb KB + 20x 75lb DB Rows + 10 Pull ups


Friday, May 5th, 2023

9AM 19 Dutch, 30 mins

5x 50s 30lb mace/ 2x 1 min jump rope/ 2x 55lb kb 5s + Kata

Thursday, May 4th, 2023

730AM, 19 Dutch, 30 mins

Mace + Kihon + Kata

1230PM Trinity, 40 mins with John

1 min sets: ring push pike/ rope pull…….air punching/ sledge tire……

Rolls and movement in the ring - 15 mins

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023

730AM 19 Dutch, 30 mins

50s 15lb mace combos/ kihon/ kata/ jump rope

1230PM Trinity, 37 mins with John

250 air push/ 250 air cross pull/ 100 tire sledge

Monday, May 1st, 2023

730AM 19 Dutch, 40 mins

1 min jump rope/ 0.15 run/ 15 push pike/ 3s kb (no windmill)/ / 4x 50 15lb mace/ 15 pull ups - 4 rounds

6 min stretch

2PM Trinity, 37 mins with John

5s 50lb db snatches/ 5s pull ups/ 5s single arm slow rows/ 10s air slam-lift/ 5s single arm tire flips/ 5s single tire sledge/ 5s ball slams 3 ways - 4 rounds

Sunday, April 30th, 2023

10AM 19 Dutch, 25 mins

4x 100 30lb mace + Karate

Thursday, April 27th, 2023

8AM 19Dutch, 53 mins

5x50 25lb mace + 5x 50 15lb mace + kihon + kata + jump rope + 15 min stretch

Wednesday, April 26th, 2023

530AM 19Dutch, 25 mins - jetlagged after Philippines

6x50s - single arm 15lb mace + Kihon + Kata

815AM 19Dutch, 26 mins

6x 50s 25lb mace + Kata

Tuesday, April 11th, 2023

945AM Trinity, 30 mins with John

air diagonal pulls/ air chops/ tire flips/ sledge/ sled/ ball slam/ ring push/ ladder drills

115PM 19Dutch, 28 mins

50s/40s/30s/20s/10s - single arm 15lb mace

Monday, April 10th, 2023

930AM Trinity, 40 mins with John

20/15/10/5 bag squats - 10/5/5/5….8/4/4/4….6/3/3/3….4/2/2/2….2/1/1/1 Pull combos

50 air pull + 50 air punch + 25 air push down + 25,25 air v up - 25,25 rope circles - 3 tire flips+ 3 push pike

10/5/5/5 pull combo finish

7PM 19Dutch, 28 mins

50s x15lb mace + Kihon - (40,30,20,10)

Sunday, April 9th, 2023

1130AM 19Dutch, 35 mins

4x 50x 12.5lb Mace + 4x 25x 12.5lb Mace + Kihon

6PM 19Dutch, 55 mins

6,6x 45lb KB GU + 60,60x 12.5lb Mace + 30,30x 45lb KB Swings

5,50,25…4,40,20….3,30,15….2,20,10, 1,15,5…….(KB = HP, C,S,P,W)

Saturday, April 8th, 2023

1245PM Trinity, ~20 mins with John and the lads

25,25 x 50lb DB snatches + 2x 25 elastic rope slams + 6x 5 pull ups + 2x 20 air press

6PM 19Dutch, 45 mins

5x 100x 25lb Mace + Kata

Friday, April 7th, 2023

9AM 19Dutch, 45 mins with John

50x 30lb Mace + 90 sec jump rope + 25sx 55lb KB (S/HP/C/S) - 4 rounds

50x 30lb Mace alt + 90 sec jump rope + 10sx 55lb KB Press + 5sx 55lb KB Windmill

1PM Trinity, 25 mins with John

10x bag squat + 10,10x 50lb db snatch + 10,10x single arm ring pulls

5 rounds for a perfect workout

6PM 19Dutch, 40 mins

5x 100x 25lb Mace + Kata

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023

11AM 19Dutch, 60 mins with John

50x 15lb Mace - 4 rounds - 10 mins/ 10 min jump rope

25x pull ups + 25x push pike + 25,25x 55lb KB cleans

20/15/10/5 - 30 mins

Monday, March 20th, 2023

730AM 19Dutch, 40 mins with John

50x 30lb Mace/ 1 min jump rope/30x 55lb KB swings…….25x high pull,20x cleans,15x snatch,10x press,5x windmill

Tuesday, March 14th, 2023

10AM 19Dutch, 60 mins with John

50x 25lb mace/ 5s x 45lb kb - 2 rounds, 50x mace x2 - 1x 10s 45lb kb

10 count padwork - jab, straight, combo

50x 75lb db rows + 50x push ups

Monday, March 13th, 2023

1PM Brooklyn Athletic Club, 25 mins

250m ski/ 200,20x 50lb KB Cleans/ 15x 105lb Bench/ 5,5x 70lb KB Get Ups - 1 round

1x muscle up/ 2x 35lb plate s2s/ 4,4x 70lb kb snatch/ 8x90lb db rows - 1 round

Tuesday, March 7th, 2023

1030AM Trinity, 20 mins padwork with Martin, 20 mins Dungeon work with John

25x rope + sled pull push - 4 rounds/ 2x Sledge +1x tyre flip - 4 rounds, 25x 25lb plate double olympic bar press - 4 rounds, 25x ring pull - 4 rounds.

Great all around session.

Monday, March 6th, 2023

11AM 19Dutch, ~40 mins with John

30x 50lb kb swings+treadmill @9.0 - 5 rounds <10 mins

10x pull ups+50x rope+10x 75lb double push row - 3 rounds, 10s x cable push+crossover pull - 2 rounds

10s x upper/lower woodchops + 10xbear crawl med ball push ups - 2 rounds

Tough session.

Thursday, March 2nd, 2023

11AM Trinity, 27 mins with John

Single arm sled pull+push/ 4s pull ups/ 10sx 32lb KB row,clean,alt,push press/ 20,20x 70lb KB cleans

Tuesday, Feb 28th, 2023

1030AM, Trinity, 45 min with John

3 min rounds

Pull ups/leg raises, ladder drills/double kb, single kb/rope slams/ rope pull/sled push/sledgehammer/plate rotation press/ bagwork

Dynamite stuff!

Monday, Feb 27th, 2023

2PM, 19Dutch, 25 min

5x 50s 30lb Mace + 1 min jump rope + kihon/kata

515PM, GR, 20 mins

10/8/6/4/2 44lb KB

Sunday, Feb 26th, 2023

12PM, 19Dutch, 50 min

5x 50s 22.5lb Mace + 1 min jump rope + kata

12,10,8,6,4,2,1 x55lb KB

Thursday, Feb 9th, 2023

1130AM, Trinity, 45 min with John

Ropes, bands, bagwork, rings, sledge

830PM, 19Dutch, 20 mins

5x50s 30lb mace + Kata

Wednesday, Feb 8th, 2023

7AM, Brooklyn Atheltic Club, ~45 min class with Paul

10x kb split squat + 10x static lunge shoulder press: 3 rounds | 5x kb deadlift + 10x body rows: 5 rounds

10…1..1…10: db curls/lying skull crushers | 10x v ups + 1 burpee + 20 mountain climbers: 6 mins every min start

30 secs: sled/sit ups/jump squats/

8PM, 19Dutch, 20 mins

50s x30lb mace

Tuesday, Feb 7th, 2023

1030AM, Trinity, ~40 mins with John2x 30 sec padwork + 10x 45lb db walking lunges + 10x 35lb plates deadlift/ 2x 30 sec padwork + 3,3x 45lb kb get ups/ 2x 30 sec padwork + 6,6 ring pull ups: - 2 rounds of entire sequence

100x sledge on tire - 4x 25 each

Brutal finish!!! I started strong, got to about 15 hammers then wiped out. Duddy somehow got strong on the finish!

530PM 19Dutch, 30 mins

500x 22.5lb mace + kata

Monday, Feb 6th, 2023

715AM, 19 Dutch. 20 mins

50sx 22.5lb Mace + 5sx 45lb kb (left)-50sx 22.5lb Mace + 5sx 45lb kb (right):2 rounds + 50 Mace crossovers/ Kata

430PM, Trinity, ~40 mins with John

30 sec treadmill+10 sledgehammer - 4 rounds/ 10x ring push pike+sled - 3 rounds/ kb+db Clean squat snatch-3 rounds

5x tire flips+ 10sx mace/ 4x sledge+2x 45lb renegade jumps+sled push pull - 2 rounds

Friday, Feb 3rd, 2023

1030AM, Trinity. 40 mins with John

2 min rounds/ 30 sec recovery and transition

30 sec treadmill/ sled push pull/db snatch/ kb swing-clean/ jump rope/pushx5+bounce/ sledgehammer/ tireflip+double jump……. 50,40,30,20,10 ring pull.

Thursday, Feb 2nd, 2023

11AM, Trinity. 42 mins with John

KB 10s - treadmill/ single sled pull-push/ sledge-mace rotations/ ring push x10-sit hold x10 sec/ 50x ring pull/ 20,20 x35lb plate rotation

Dynamite session!

Tuesday, Jan 31, 2023

11AM, Trinity. 31 mins with John

5x ring push + bar rotations (25lb plate) - padwork/ sled push/drag - with(out) straps - padwork

Pneumatic (5s + 10s) squat jump/push/lunge jump/v up flye

6PM 19 Dutch, 25 mins

50s x 22.5 Mace + Kata + Stretch

Monday, Jan 30, 2023

10AM, Trinity. 31 mins with John, 1 min bag/ 1 min….. : ~10 sets

Olympic bar + sledgehammer + sled push/pull + kb + pull ups + toe2bar + plate sit to stand + ovh lunges +

Solid session.

3PM, 19Dutch, 25 mins

50s x30lb mace + Kata + 2x 0.15 run/ 55lb KB 5s (swing,pull,clean….pull,clean, snatch)

Thursday, Jan 26, 2023

11AM, Trinity. 20 mins with Duddy

30 sec sprints + bag drag crawl + sledge tire flips + db snatches + pull ups + pneumatic punches + sled push

Fantastic workout. First real push I’ve felt since we moved to New York.

Wednesday, Jan 2, 2023

3PM, 19Dutch. 19 mins

50x 40lb kb clean, 40x 45lb db snatch (20,20), 30x pull ups, 20x push pike, 10x 45lb kb windmill (5,5) - 14 mins

Karate - 5 mins